June - July - August
Join us at the "Bee Shed" for the full beekeeper experience. If you live in Nova Scotia, or visiting from away, the opening of a beehive amidst hundreds of thousands of active bees will be a memorable experience.
The tour starts with a quick introduction to the varying parts of a Beehive and importance of Bees to our food chain. Then we light the smoker and put on veils and gloves and head out into the yard where you'll get up close and personal with a working beehive.
We will search for the Queen, watch the workers do their Waggle Dance and watch the Drones and learn of each of their roles. Honeybees are generally gentle, so we encourage you to get close and even grab a selfie with the Queen-bee herself! When will you get that close to royalty again?
Click the Button below to for more information!
Tours are subject to availability.